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15 Desember 2009

mIRC v6.31 Portable

Mau cari kenalan ...
Mau cari kerja ...
Mau cari jodoh ...
Mau Chating-chating aja ...

download mIRC portablenya 

* maaf link untuk download saya hapus, karena permintaan dari sahabat blogger (ada virusnya). thanks atas informasinya

10 Desember 2009

Google Chrome Portable

Google Chrome adalah suatu web browser yang lumayan banyak penggunanya dan dalam menjalankan laman web dan aplikasi, Google Chrome tidak kalah dibandingkan web browser lainnya...

Dapatkan portablenya disini

08 Desember 2009

ASCII Generator

Ingin foto kamu atao foto teman-teman km berubah seperti kode-kode ASCII?
ni aq punya software portable buat ngerubah foto kamu!!

sebelum dan sesudah

bisa download disini

25 November 2009

20 November 2009

Game Super Mario Portable

Download Game Super Mario Portablenya sekarang....!!!!!

15 November 2009

07 November 2009

Portable Corel Draw 11

CorelDRAW 11 introduces Symbols to its repertoire, too, so you can save and reuse drawing elements in a clip-board-style library. Using symbols saves considerable file space, which can be particularly important when drawing Web graphics.

Corel Photo-Paint 11 is to bitmap editing what CorelDRAW is to vector drawing. In many ways a competitor to Adobe Photoshop, the new version of Photo-Paint includes more improvements for Web artists. You can now slice images into a number of small parts to aid quick downloads and create rollovers for buttons and image maps, so they appear differently when pointed to or clicked. The program also supports JPEG 2000 files, so you can save your images in this new high-compression format.
free download

21 Oktober 2009

Portable Photoshop 7

Meskipun photoshop 7 udah ketinggalan dengan munculnya versi terbaru, tapi kayaknya masih banyak pengguna yang masih menggunakan photoshop versi 7 ini. Untuk itu global memposting portable photoshop 7 yang portable agar tidak kalah dengan versi yang terbaru yang sudah muncul versi portablenya juga. silahkan download portablenya disini

13 Oktober 2009


ni bos ... aq punya shortcuts buat :

Photoshop CS2

Photoshop CS4

sori cuma tu ja, shortcut yang lain nyusul ...!

12 Oktober 2009

Fire Fox 3.0 Portable

The award-winning Web browser is now faster, more secure, and fully customizable to your online life. With Firefox 2, we’ve added powerful new features that make your online experience even better.

Portable Firefox is a fully functional package of the Mozilla Firefox web browser optimized for use on a USB key drive. It has some specially-selected optimizations to make it perform faster and extend the life of your USB key as well as a specialized launcher that will allow most of your favorite extensions to work as you switch computers. It will also work from a CDRW drive (in packet mode), ZIP drives, external hard drives, some MP3 players, or flash RAM cards

It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more. Plus, thanks to the launcher bundled in the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favorite browser along with all your favorite bookmarks and extensions with you wherever you go and it runs on pen drive
Free Download

01 Oktober 2009

Foxit Reader 3.0

Foxit Reader adalah software alternatif pengganti untuk membaca file berformat PDF yang bisa menggantikan aplikasi Adobe Acrobat yang jamak digunakan. Selain membaca, Foxit juga mampu menciptakan file berbentuk PDF. Aplikasi ini sangat sedikit membutuhkan resource dari CPU apabila dibandingkan dengan Adobe Acrobat sehingga membuatnya bias bekerja jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan Adobe Reader. Dukungan terpenting pada Foxit Reader adalah karena software ini merupakan aplikasi yang gratis (freeware) dan juga mendukung sistem operasi Windows 2000 hingga Vista. Fungsi inti dari pembaca PDF ini sudah mendukung PDF Standard 1.7. Akan tetapi anda diharuskan membayar untuk menambah add-ons lain dari aplikasi ini apabila anda menginginkan fungli lainnya seperti mengedit file PDF anda
free download

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Portable

Macromedia Dreamweaver digunakan untuk medesain web maupun development tool. Gratis Portable Dreamweaver versi 8.0 ini cocok bagi yang suka web grafis, lengkap dg fasilitas drag drop objects, html dan css. yang lebih penting lagi software ini GRATIS

free download

30 September 2009

Portable Photoshop CS2

Adobe telah meluncurkan versi kedua dari desain, penerbitan dan mengedit gambar dengan program Creative Suite 2, termasuk Photoshop CS2. Alat baru termasuk 'vanishing titik', yang memungkinkan Anda untuk clone, cat dan mentransformasi dalam perspektif atau gambar, lanjutan kebisingan pengurangan, koreksi lensa optik yang memperbaiki barel dan bantalan distorsi serta ditingkatkan 16-bit mengedit. Fitur baru lainnya, multi-kamera gambar mentah, memungkinkan Anda untuk memproses beberapa gambar mentah sambil terus bekerja di Photoshop CS2.

free download
shortcuts Photoshop CS2

Portable Corel Draw X3

Transform ideas into professional results with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3! With this comprehensive graphics suite, you can confidently tackle a wide variety of projects - from logo creation and Web graphics, to multi-page marketing brochures, or eye-catching signs. From new bitmap-to-vector tracing in Corel PowerTRACE, new photo-editing features in Photo-Paint, new suite-wide learning tools, and enhancements in illustration and page layout, this suite combines design capabilities, ease-of-use, and affordability that cannot be matched by any other graphics software.
free download

26 September 2009

Notepad ++ Portable

Banyak orang menggunakan Notepad untuk mengedit dokumen teks sederhana dan program / kode halaman Web karena kecil dan cepat. Yang merugikan adalah tidak banyak fitur yang sangat bermanfaat, terutama ketika melihat kode program.

Notepad ++ dirancang untuk tujuan ini, termasuk warna coding khusus kata-kata dalam kode. Instalasi mudah dengan satu pilihan untuk menginstal ke USB sehingga dengan mudah melihat kode sumber halaman web di Internet Explorer.

Tambahan plugin terinstal secara otomatis menyertakan file browser, pemeriksa ejaan dan daftar fungsi. Tambahan plugin bisa di download dari situs web Notepad ++
Notepad ++ bahkan dapat sepenuhnya menggantikan Notepad standar.
free download

Portable Shutdowner

Shutdowner adalah sebuah software untuk mematikan komputer secara otomatis. Kita bisa men setting kapan komputer kita akan mati secara otomatis. Software Shutdowner berguna bagi anda yang biasanya tertidur di depan kompi. Saat kita sudah terbuai dengan mimpi indah, komputer kita akan mati dengan sendirinya tanpa kita suruh. Dengan begitu kita akan lebih menghemat pengeluaran tagihan listrik. Daripada tagihan listrik naik cos komputer menyala sampai pagi, download Shutdowner ajaaa.....!!!!
download free

15 September 2009

Thumbsuck Portable

Thumbsuck! Sudah gak asing lagi bagi para orang2 isenk yang ingin mencari keuntungan dari orang lain (flashdisk)!
Ehm..Thumbsuck adalah sebuah aplikasi yang bisa meng-copy secara diam2 (pencuri) semua file dari flashdisk atau USB lainnya yang dicolokkan kekomputer yang telah dipasangi Thumbsuck (dan sedang dijalankan).
Thumbsuck Merupakan aplikasi "Jahat" tapi memiliki cara kerja yang keren BRO!! Dengan Thumbsuck, Anda bisa memanen file2 orang yang dengan sengaja atau tidak sengaja meng-colokkan flashdisknya ke komputer Anda.

Cara menggunakan Thumbsuck
Setelah Anda mendapatkan Thumbsuck.exe, simpan ke sebuah folder khusus yang susah diketahui oleh orang lain kecuali Anda (hidden) Jalankan ThumbSuck.exe
Jika Ada Flashdisk yang dicolokkan ke komputer Anda yang telah dipasangi thumbsuck, maka thumbsuck akan mengcopy semua filenya secara diam2.
free download

Portable Deep Delete

Biasanya seseorang apabila menghapus file dalam komputer mereka cukup hanya dengan menekan tombol delete beres (masuk recycle bin). Tapi ingat kalau kita hanya menekan tombol delete saja memang betul file sudah tidak ada (hilang) tapi jika kita masuk recycle bin dan kita restore file yang kita delete maka otomatis file akan kembali ke asalnya. begitu juga jika kita menekan tombol delete+shift, banyak orang menduga bahwa dengan menekan tombol delete+shift data tidak akan bisa kembali lagi siapa bilang ...!! jika kita menggunakan software untuk mengembalikan data pasti data akan kembali lagi itu...
Nah...bagaimana solusinya apabila kita ingin mengahapus suatu file langsung hilang tanpa meninggalkan jejak..!! hanya satu jawabannya deepdelete
Kita tinggal menDrag file yang akan kita hapus ke icon delete yang sudah disediakan oleh deepdelete, maka file yang kita hapus lagsung lenyap tak berbekas. Meskipun kita menggunakan software untuk mengembalikan data pasti file tak bakal balik lagi. selamat mencoba!

22 Agustus 2009

Portable Crash Bandicoot for PC

All of the characters from CRASH BANDICOOT are getting their go-karts ready to race.Suddenly, an alien named Nitrous Oxide appears and challenges the characters to a race.If Nitrous wins, he gets to take over the planet.Crash and his friends must win at all costs to avoid falling under the rule of Nitrous.

Pick from classic CRASH BANDICOOT characters like Crash, Coco, and Dr. Cortex, each with custom carts, and hit one of the 25 tracks.Jump, power slide, and turbo your way to missiles and bombs you can use to get rid of the opposition.
Blast opponents in the arcade and story modes, or form teams and blast the other guys in the battle modes.When you friends start talking trash about your racing style, make up to three of them put up or shut up with versus mode.
Play CTR: CRASH TEAM RACING and try to save the world from Nitrous Oxide.

Note: Menu bar is Spanish. But Game is English.
Control Buttons: "S" (Select menu item.) "Up, Down, Left, Right" arrow (Menu arround.)
"Z" for speed, left and right arrow for direction use in the game. Esc. button quick exit
free download

21 Agustus 2009

AntiFreeze Portable

Pernahkah mengalami kejadian tiba-tiba komputer hang, tidak ada respond dan kita hanya bisa menggerakkan mouse tanpa bisa menjalankan aplikasi lain ? Bahkan kadang jurus pamungkas “Task Manager” ( Ctrl+Alt+Del ) pun tidak berdaya menghadapi kondisi semacam ini. Sehingga mungkin ujung-ujungnya kita hanya menekan tombol Reset.

Meskipun tombol reset bisa mengatasi, tetapi kadang bisa beresiko kehilangan data, ada fie yang rusak dan sebagainya. Alternatifnya, kita bisa mencoba menggunakan software gratis AntiFreeze.

AntiFreeze mungkin memberikan alternatif terakhir untuk mengatasi kejadian seperti diatas. Kejadian seperti itu bisa disebabkan oleh penggunaan CPU yang berlebihan (hampir 100%) atau penggunaan Memory yang terlalu besar, sehingga kita sama sekali tidak bisa membuka, berpindah atau menutup aplikasi apapun.

Setelah software ini di install, maka untuk mengaktifkan, kita tinggal menggunakan kombinasi tombol keyboard Ctrl+Alt+Win+Home ( Memang kombinasi yang cukup banyak, sampai 4 tombol ). Setelah itu AntiFreeze akan tampil fullscreen (satu layar penuh) dan hampir semua aplikasi lainnya akan di hentikan sementara (sleep) untuk menurunkan penggunaan CPU/Memory.

Ketika AntiFreeze tampil, kita tinggal mematikan process (End Process) aplikasi yang menggunakan CPU sangat besar ( indikasinya terlihat di kolom CPU Time) atau bisa juga penggunaan memory yang berlebihan (Mem Usage). Karena tampilannya menunya mirip Task Manager, seharusnya kita tidak akan kesulitan menggunakan software ini.

Keadaan-keadaan dimana AntiFreeze bisa digunakan, yaitu :

  1. Ada satu atau lebih aplikasi yang berjalan sangat intensif, menggunakan hampir seluruh proses CPU, sehingga sistem tidak responsif.
  2. ADa satu atau lebih aplikasi yang menggunakan Memory sangat besar (berlebihan) termasuk swaping file, sehingga membebani sistem.
  3. Ada Aplikasi yang dijalankan dengan prioritas sangat tinggi, sehingga menggunakan semua proses CPU (processor)
  4. Banyak program yang berjalan bersama-sama dan masing-masing ingin mendapatkan “perhatian/jatah” dari Processor.

Meskipun Demikian, terkadang AntiFreeze tidak berhasil atau tidak berjalan untuk kondisi-kondisi tertentu. Misalnya Komputer hang karena masalah hardware, seperti Memory(RAM) yang rusak, bad sector pada Hardisk dan sejenisnya (dan biasanya ditandai dengan Mouse Cursor yang tidak aktif /tidak bisa digerakkann ). Selain itu AntiFreeze juga mungkin tidak akan berhasil jika Aplikasi mempunyai prioritas yang lebih tinggi dari AntiFreeze.

free download

Corel Draw X4 Portable

Portable CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 lets you tackle creative graphics and design projects with confidence. Precision tools, market-leading file compatibility and high-quality content help you turn your creative ideas into professional results: from distinctive logos and signs, to striking marketing materials and eye-catching web graphics

New and Enhanced Features
* Modernized user interface
* CorelDRAW ConceptShare™
* Corel PowerTRACE™ X4
* EWindows Color System
* Adobe Color Management Module
* Enhanced Windows Vista® integration
* Interactive tables
* Independent page layers
* Integration with WhatTheFont™
* CorelDRAW Handbook - Insights from the Experts
* Support for RAW camera files
* And much more…….
free download

Norton Partition Magic Portable

* Partitions hard drive
* Create, resize, copy partitions
* Run multiple operating systems


* Divides hard drive into two or more partitions
* Runs multiple operating systems on the same PC
* BootMagic™ makes it easy to switch between operating systems
* Copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions
* Guides you through the partitioning process
* Easy to find, copy and paste files in both Windows® and Linux® partitions
* Create and modify partitions up to 300GB*
* Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives**
* Supports and converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems
* Enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting computer
* Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size
free download

Yahoo Messenger 8.1 Portable

Portable Yahoo! Messenger is a fully featured online communication tool. Its setup integrates the Yahoo! Toolbar which provides anti-spy, pop-up blocker, and quick access to other Yahoo! services (mail, photos, search, etc). With Yahoo! Messenger you can send instant messages, call computers, call a phone number, send a mobile message, or sign in to Yahoo! Mail.

You can edit your current status or change your picture. It's also possible to create your own avatar, which is displayed next to your name in your friends' contact list. Sharing your webcam or seeing other people who enable their webcam is easy. If you don't want anyone to see when you are online you should log on using the "Invisible" status. Nobody, except the people you select, would notice you are around. Messages are sent to your friends regardless of their online/offline status. Depending on your network configuration, you should also be able to use this instant messenger for sending files.

During instant messages you have the possibility to customize fonts, send emoticons and audibles, and select IMVironments. Everything is provided for you to have a great time while chatting with your friends. The Inside Yahoo! window provides quick links to news, finance, personals, movies, horoscopes, etc. You also get notifications of new emails and voice messages in this window. If you don't like this feature, you can turn it off from the program's preferences.

In version 8, the "Content Tabs" in the "Preferences" window has been removed. Now "Yahoo! Plug-ins" are available. So far you can install about 15 plug-ins like Music LAUNCHcast, Answers, 360, eBay, iTunes,, Finance, Calendar, Weather, and others. It's easy to stay up to date with new music, movies, sports results, and other stuff that may be of interest to you.

Pluses: On first run, Yahoo! Messenger will look in your Yahoo! Address Book and Microsoft Outlook for new contacts or for people who are using Messenger but are not in your list of contacts. This is done in order to complete your contact list.

The good news is that you can now add any Windows Live Messenger user to your contact list. After installing Yahoo! Messenger, simply click on the link "IM with Windows Live (MSN) Messenger", follow the instructions, and you'll be able to chat with Windows Live Messenger users.

Several extra plugins and features are provided. LAUNCHcast radio comes with lots of online radio stations to choose from. You can select a favourite radio station as "My Station". Yahoo! Games enables you to play Chess, Pool, Backgammon, Word Racer, or other games with your friends, while at the same time talking to them. Yahoo 360 blogging community is a way to keep connected with friends and family using blogs, pictures, and more.

All menu buttons and the skins are customizable, subject to change according to your preferences. The default skin in this version is Maverick Blue. If want to change this skin, you should access the "Change skin" submenu of the "Messenger" menu.

Drawbacks / flaws: In some network environments you may discover that you are not able to send or receive files.

In conclusion: One of the best online communication tools. I have used Yahoo! Messenger for a long time and I almost always was satisfied with it. Download now and explore its full potential!

Portable Yahoo! Messenger Publisher's Description

Yahoo Messenger is a free service that allows you to see when friends come online and send them instant messages. It can also alert you to new e-mail in your Yahoo Mail or Yahoo Personals account, or when you have upcoming events recorded in Yahoo Calendar.
Here are some key features of "Yahoo Messenger":
  1. · LAUNCHcast Radio
  2. · Yahoo! Games
  3. · IMVironments
  4. · Customize your IM window with interactive themed backgrounds. See the IMVironments
  5. · Audibles
  6. · Emoticons
  7. · Yahoo! Avatars
  8. · Display Image
  9. · Skins
  10. · Address Book
  11. · Stealth Settings and Privacy
  12. · Search
  13. · File Transfer
  14. · Webcam
  15. · Yahoo! Photos
  16. · Voice Chat
  17. · Conference
free download

20 Agustus 2009

NOD32 Portable v3.0.650

ESET NOD32 Antivirus System - Integrated, Real-Time Protection against viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, phishing, and hackers. Best detection, fastest performance & smallest footprint.

NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers

ESET solutions are built on ESETs one-of-a-kind ThreatSense technology. This advanced heuristics engine enables proactive detection of malware not covered by even the most frequently updated signature-based products by decoding and analyzing executable code in real time, using an emulated environment. By allowing malware to execute in a secure virtual world, ESET is able to clearly differentiate between benign files and even the most sophisticated and cleverly-disguised malware.

Users of Microsoft® Windows® can experience the power and elegance of NOD32's ThreatSense Technology with ease and comfort. Our single optimized engine offers the best protection from viruses, spyware, adware, phishing attacks, and more. Keep tomorrow's threats at bay with our proactive detection technology.

NOD32 provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.

Trojans, viruses, worms and other malware using NOD32 are kept out of striking distance of your valuable data. Advanced detection methods implemented in the software even provide protection against the future threats from most of the new worms and viruses.

The fourth generation of the NOD32 Antivirus System features a fully integrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detection track record, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources.

NOD32's detection efficiency combined with 2-50 times faster hard disk scanning rate earned the product many international prestigious awards.

NOD32 is the world leader of the Virus Bulletin 100% Awards having won more awards (21) than any competing product. Since its first submission for testing in May 1998, NOD32 was the only tested product that has never missed a single In the Wild virus
free download Eset Nod32 Business Portable on
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Nero 9 Portable

Nero Express es unas las piezas queconforma la suite de nero ultra edition, con nero express podrá grabarcualquier CD o DVD tanto de datos como música y vídeo, además podrácargar imagenes pre-guardadas para su posterior grabación sin laperdida de información de imagen.
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Portable

Adobe Dreamweaver es un editor de HTMLvisual, diseñado para desarrolladores profesionales. Dreamweaver hacemuy fácil el crear complejas páginas Web dinámicas, con la conocidatécnica de "arrastrar y soltar", permitiendo que los diseñadores puedancrear entornos Web y animaciones sofisticadas sin tener que escribiruna sóla linea de código
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PDF2 Word Converter

PDF2Word (PDF to Word) software exports the text, images and other contents from any PDF document into MS Word document format (RTF or Word), so you can edit and reuse your PDF content. PDF2Word (PDF to Word) preserves the original PDF text, layout and bitmap images inthe generated Word document. PDF2Word (PDF to Word) software is a standalone program and does not require Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, or even Acrobat Reader.
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